Thursday 23 February 2012

LIst of Vitamins

Vitamin List -

Vitamin NameFunctions in BodyNatural Food Sources
Vitamin A
Good Antioxidant. Helps with vision and skin health. Boosts immune function and bone metabolismCarrots, yellow and orange fruits, fish, eggs
Vitamin B1
Important for nerve function and the cardiovascular system.  Helps with energy production.Whole grains, pork, eggs, brown rice, potatoes
Vitamin B2 RiboflavinImportant for energy production and helps metabolize fats and carbs.Grains, leafy green vegetables, fish, dairy, legumes
Helps release energy from carbs and promotes healthy skinGrains, nuts, broccoli, carrots, dairy, peanuts, tomatoes, dairy, eggs, meat
Vitamin B5  Pantothenic AcidHelps metabolize fats, carbs and proteins. Needed for synthesis or various enzymes.meats, whole grains, fish, legumes
Vitamin B6  PyridoxineHelps to release sugars needed for energy.  Helps in metabolism and in generation of red blood cells.  Also beneficial to the nervous system.whole grains, fish, poultry, bananas
Vitamin B7
Needed for cell growth. Helps with energy production.  Helps maintain blood sugar levels.legumes, nuts
Vitamin B9
Folic Acid
Important in DNA production and repair.  Necessary in red blood cell production.  Critical during growth spurts especially for fetus and infants.beans, cereals, leafy vegetables, dairy, pork, rice, oranges
Vitamin B12  Important for brain and nerve function as well as DNA regulation.  Also participates in metabolism and red blood cell formation. ham, certain seafood, dairy, liver
Vitamin C
Ascorbic Acid 
Important anti-oxidant.  Helps heal wounds and supports the immune system.  It is a natural antihistamine.citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, greens
Vitamin DBoosts immune function.  Benefits bone formation and reduces risk of osteoporosis.exposure to suns rays, salmon, sardines, cod liver oil
Vitamin E  Tocopherol Another important antioxidant that helps protect the bodies cells from free radicals.whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, spinach
Vitamin KEssential for blood leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower


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