Thursday 23 February 2012

History of Trade Union in INDIA

The seeds for the development of trade union in India were sown with the growth of industrialization. As the humanitarian movement came to India in the 19th century, worker groups made several attempts to improve their working conditions. The British introduced this movement in India to divide Indian employers and employees and beat local competition.

Attempts were also made to eradicate child labor in India. The British Government was finally compelled to pass a resolution against employing children between the ages of seven to twelve for more than nine hours a day.

Trade Union in India: Formation of First Union Association

Gradually, workers started showing resentment against minimal wages and pathetic employment conditions. The first incident of strike occurred in 1877, in Express Mills, Nagpur. This was followed by agitations and demonstrations in Bombay and Madras, which did not draw much government attention. Finally, the Indian Government was directed by the British Government to take proper measures to improve conditions of labor.

The Bombay Mill Hands Association was formed in 1890, which highlighted the terrible conditions and misery of workers caused by excessive work load, long working hours, low wages and horrible working conditions.  However, the Association was far different from the modern trade unions in India; it was similar to a welfare association. Later, in the year 1900, two more organizations emerged: the Postal Union in Bombay and Printers Union in Calcutta, which were much closer to the modern trade unions.

Trade Union in India: Formation of the First Trade Union

The year 1920 is a landmark year in the history of trade unions. It witnessed the formation of the first trade union in India. The All India Trade Union was formed, comprising 107 trade unions. This was considered a powerful labor association, with a significant position in the nationalist movement.


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